Honest to Gob


Gemma Ray & Claire Morton Episode 22

Zoë Dew is the operations manager for Lisa Johnson the online business strategist and passive income expert. She left running her own business to become a very happy employee, working in a team she adores.

As Lisa's business has grown at an exciting and impressive rate, Zoë finds herself acting as the gatekeeper and gets inundated with voice notes, Facebook messenger messages and Loom videos... which she ignores! She's not rude, she's just setting boundaries.

In this episode, she talks about why boundaries are essential for yourself, your clients, your family and friends. Zoë got really honest about her previous roles; like the football club job she was sacked from, feeling brain fried by constant messages working in the wedding industry and how running her own business forced her to have boundaries.

In addition to some stellar advice about setting boundaries - particular in your communication style, Zoë chatted about her love of Instagram stories. Seriously, go follow her she is freakin' hilarious and so down to earth! www.instagram.com/zoerdew 

After we recorded this episode and Zoë left the studio, Gem, Claire and producer Jacob ended up in a deep conversation about all the ways in which we are feeling fried by people having constant access to us. It opened up a conversation between us about how we allow ourselves to be 'on' all the time for people and what else we could do to ensure we protect our mental energy while being clear and kind to the clients we serve, the people we work with and our loved ones.

Zoë is straight to the point, funny and brilliant. Let this episode inspire you to think about your boundaries, particularly at work, and how you can start to set some hard and fast rules about how people get to access your time, energy and valuable mental space.

Thank you to Zoë for taking the time to chat to us and inspire us with your wit and wisdom.

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If you'd like to see the video footage of this podcast episode, find us on YouTube here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC38kL7g2M3zF_ngoZJdCtoQ

For Gemma @gemmadeeray www.gemmaray.com

For Claire @the_purposepusher www.thepurpose-pusher.com

Production @Liverpoolpodcaststudios www.liverpoolpodcaststudios.com